The W-PHS mission:

The mission of the Williamson-Pultneyville Historical Society is to preserve, protect and share local history of the Town of Williamson, NY, in general and the unincorporated hamlet of Pultneyville in particular by creating curiosity, inspiring involvement, and providing exceptional experiences by making history come alive.”

The W-PHS Board provides the strategic and financial oversight for the organization.  Joining the Board is a great opportunity to volunteer and offer your expertise to the community.  Fundraising is a major focus as W-PHS is sole steward of historic Gates Hall, the exhibit space on Mill Street and Centennial Park.

 Open Volunteer Board Positions:

 W-PHS is currently seeking candidates to fill the following open volunteer Board positions:

• President

• Development Officer/Director

What is required?

•      W-PHS membership

•      Time commitment:  Hours and responsibilities vary depending on the position and W-PHS priorities

•      Attend and participate in monthly board and officer meetings (9-10 per year)

•      Attend W-PHS programs and various events

•      Fulfill legal duties of office

•      Fiduciary responsibility for Society assets

•      Fundraising participation

•      Contribute to providing guidance regarding governance of the Society

•      Two year term commitment

•      Collaboration

•      Liaison to standing committee(s) chairs

•      In consultation with the President, and Nominating Chair, recruit and cultivate successor interest

•      Prepare elected replacement candidate and support transition

What is the election process?

Contact W-PHS Secretary (send email to Terry Sutherland to get further position descriptions and to express interest.

To be considered, please submit bio/resume to the Secretary by September 30th.  Your information will be distributed in advance and presented to the membership for consideration at the November 1st Annual Meeting when the election of officers is held.